SPRINGFIELD—Ward 2 City Council candidate Michael Fenton has called for the Our Lady of Hope Church on Armory Street to be declared a historic district in light of the Springfield Roman Catholic Diocese’s recent decision to close the parish. “I grew up at that church and its closing deeply affects me on a personal level.” Fenton hopes the diocese will reconsider. Failing that Fenton says, “I hope that this beautiful and historic building, which has been an anchor of the community for so long, remains preserved regardless of what future purpose it might have.” Fenton believes Our Lady of Hope will continue to have a presence in Ward 2 for many years to come. The Church could be converted to community space for events like local art or theater. “There are a number of reuses for such a building that we should begin considering now and by working with the Historic Commission and the Diocese of Springfield today we can be sure that Our Lady of Hope will, in some way, be with us tomorrow.”
Well, it seems that Massachusetts is well in its way to live up to its nickname of Taxachusettss. Governor Patrick has come up with the brilliant idea of raising the gas tax from 23.5 to 23.69 a .19 cents increase. Cigarette tax was already increased, the Governor wants to tax certain beverages and will increase an array of state fees. With this shaky economy and with consumers being more cautions on their spending habits, this is a terrible time to even think of raising any kind of taxes. Unfortunately, Beacon Hill thinks that the only way to gain state revenues is to tax its residents. Taxing the people in this shaky economy will result in an even more fragile private sector. As people give their hard earn money to the government, they will have less to spend. Employers will lose revenues and they will be forced to give lay offs to its employees. What effect will this gas tax have in Springfield? Well, in simple words: DEVASTATING. As it is Springfield has the HIGHEST business tax rate-- a brilliant move from the Springfield City Council. The housing market has taken a steep decline, and jobs are just not coming to Springfield. Private businesses will lose revenues and might give layoffs to its employees. As we have seen in recent months, some non-profit and private corporations have already given out layoffs. Increasing the gas tax will only hurt Springfield's trouble economy.
The Governor has often say that we can not expect to have roads for free. I find this insulting. We pay excise tax, gas tax, that help with the state's road infrastructure, Mr, Governor we already pay for the roads !!. So the question remains of where do we come up with the needed revenue to close the state budget shortfall? REDUCE GOVERNMENT WASTE !! REDUCE NON-EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS, TIE IN THE LEGISLATORS AND THE GOVERNOR'S SALARIES TO THE STATE'S ECONOMY. The state legislature recently received a salary increase. Many courageous and conscientious legislators did not accept the salary increase because of the state of the economy. Other greedily accepted the pay increase. I believe that the legislature should do the right thing and not allow legislator's salary increase when there is a known budget shortfall as it was known and warned by Governor Patrick.
And the story goes on, you work hard for your money only to give it to the state government. You pay state income tax, gas tax, excise tax, cigarette tax (if you smoke), property tax, food tax, alcohol tax, capital tax, tax, tax.............
The Republican newspaper recently lashed out sharp criticism in an Editorial against Rep. Swan and Coakley-Rivera for their legislative fiasco and for their petty political threat to hold hostage a bill filed by the Governor designed to extend the state loan repayment obligation, a move that could save $7 million dollars a year to the city.
The Republican portrays Rep. Swan as "a man who operates with total disrespect for the people he was elected to represent". Words that ring true after Swan's arrogance and care free attitude towards his tax obligations to the City of Springfield. His controversial trip to Liberia has become a slap in the face to residents of his district. The people of Liberia deserve appropriate help, but Swan's primary responsibility is to his district not to the people of Liberia. To add to the insult Swan is quoted in the Boston Herald in response to his trip to Liberia, "Whoever wants to say I’m un-American or un-patriotic can go to hell.”
The Republican portrays State Rep. Coakley-Rivera as "impulsive and often rashly unpredictable " Unfortunately, Coakley -Rivera has placed her own political aspirations, including a possible run for Mayor, before the interest of the residents of Springfield.
The actions of these two Reps. are indeed a true disservice to the residents of Springfield.
I believe that the time has come to replace these legislators with capable individuals.
My compliments to the Republican Newspaper for serving as an important tool in the stabilization of Springfield.
Yesterday the Latino Chamber of Commerce celebrated its annual community holiday party. There were at least 500 people in attendance. An array of politicians paraded the event, shaking hands and working the crowd. A typical Puerto Rican menu of Arroz con Gandules, ( Rice and Lentils), Pernil (Pork), and Pasteles ( Plantain Patties) was provided by Sabor de Quisqueya Restaurant located at 326 St. James Ave. Springfield, MA.
As I worked the room, I was reminded of all the wonderful Latino talent that there is in Springfield, talent that sometimes is not appreciated or overlooked. The Latino Chamber of Commerce has been doing great efforts in advancing Latino own businesses in the City of Springfield. In fact Latinos are experiencing the fastest business growth in the region. With this shaky economy and uncertain financial future we must ensure that all of our businesses are able to survive. Springfield will be better off with a mix cultural business sector. This will provide a vibrant solid economy for Springfield and the region. City Hall has made some effort in assisting the Hispanic community in starting and maintaining Latino businesses. But we can not expect government to do everything for us. This efforts must be match with private investment to ensure a better, more solid Latino business sector. I wonder where are some of the big companies, like Walmart, Stop and Shop, Best Buy, etc. that enjoy the Latino business but are absent in this effort to improve the Latino business sector.
Welcome to my blog It is my hope that you enjoy my opinions, even if you do not agree with them. Feel free to e-mail me your thoughts at www.VictorDavila05@hotmail.com
39328.1. Very nice. by wside, 1/8/08 22:16 ET Re: Latino View Blogg by latinoview, 1/8/08 Maybe one of the region's best blog, right off the bat. Good on-the-spot reporting. Just keep updating it. Too many blogs start out strong and then people neglect them. Don't let it become defunct. Not sure that any one person can present a "latino view" (I think latinos can think for themselves), but it certainly is YOUR view AS a latino. Again, best of luck and post that link around the other forums
39328.1.1. Also, after looking at this by wside, 1/8/08 22:18 ET Re: Latino View Blogg by latinoview, 1/8/08 guy's blog I have one question: Why isn't Mr. Victor Davilla COUNCILOR Victor Davilla? He seems like the real deal to me.
Anonymous said... Please run for office....Someone, Anyone will do a better job of getting the voice of Springfield heard than Cheryl, Ben and Sean..... We need new legislators. February 28, 2008 7:49 PM
11593.2. interesting info by 3gensyoke, 5/9/08 8:29 ET Re: McCain Courts Hispanic Vote by latinoview, 5/9/08 on the four amigos. It's everything thats wrong with public education in MA today- social experimentation in the schools at the expense of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Do people really wonder why our public schools are a dismal failure?