Monday, March 31, 2008

Howell to challenge Puppolo in the 12th Hampden

Rich Howell from Wilbraham has announced his intentions to challenge incumbent Angelo Puppolo in the 12th Hampden District. Puppolo betrayed the trust of the people after he voted in favor to kill a referendum that would have allowed the people vote on the marriage referendum. Puppolo had strongly campaign to allow the people to vote on the marriage referendum, then switched his vote. After the vote, Puppolo has been peppered with money from interest groups seeking to limit the people's right to vote on the referendum.
I definitely want to vote on this important issue. Allowing the legislators to continue this reckless political game of defining marriage is very dangerous to society. The referendum must be place in front of the people to decide.
Below is the press release Howell's campaign send me.
WILBRAHAM - The Committee to Elect Richard J. Howell, R-Wilbraham, recently announced intentions to run for state Representative, 12th Hampden District, which includes all of Wilbraham and significant parts of Springfield and East Longmeadow.

Howell will challenge incumbent Rep. Angelo Puppolo, D-Springfield. The race will culminate with the 2008 Presidential election to take place this November.

According to Howell, his committee has collected more than half the signatures required to date. He also met with key advisors to discuss strategy, and volunteers have started the signature-gathering phase of the campaign.

And as a long-time Republican, Howell subscribes to sound fiscal policy and limited government first and foremost. Further, the campaign will focus on family issues, government of the people and not the bureaucracy and public safety.

"The incumbent deceived this constituency," Howell said. "He knew that the majority of the district wanted the opportunity to vote on marriage issue. But he chose to serve the power elite instead.

"In so doing, he compromised the integrity of public office,” he said.

During the campaign, Howell will also discuss the issue of the "right to keep and bear arms."


Anonymous said...

Just re-posting something else I saw on this blog:

"During spring training, refused to accept the indignity of " Jim Crow " segregation in the South, refusing food from restaurants that served "whites only". "

Segregation is wrong, whether in restaurants or in civil ceremonies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now Victor, what makes you think any of that would intrest me. Politicians are crooked is he any different? Lisa

Unknown said...

Victor, do you know that your links to MassLive are not live? If you just cut and paste from your address bar into your MassLive posting, then people can go straight there.

BTW, if people had voted on whether or not to allow voting rights for Blacks, they still might not be voting! Civil Rights legislation belongs in the Legislature.