Saturday, December 22, 2007

Masters of the Blogg and the Financial Control Board

I attended the FCB meeting on Thursday, to express my disappointment and concern over the School Superintendent actively applying to other schools districts with the latest job hunt from the superintendent applying to the State Education Commissioner position left vacant after Commissioner Driscolli resigned. Really, are we to believe that the superintendent is truly committed to Springfield? Please, I do not believe it for a second.!! I expressed my concerns, (read my letter below ) and plainly stated the the School Committee must be out of their minds for asking Gov. Patrick for authority over the Superintendents contract. That perogative and all personnel decisions, fall under the FCB. This to me, is a classic example of political hacks. It is a well know secret that relatives of the majority of the school committee members have job connections to the school department. Now that Superintendent is in trouble, his budies come to the rescue. Luckily, the FCB voted to open a search for a new superintendent. If Superintendent Burke has any respect for Springfield he should not apply for the position. But do not hold your breath on this. If Dr. Burke applies and ends up getting the job again, stipulation should be included to ensure continuity in the position.

Goof afternoon Gentlemen and Feliz Navidad.

My name is Victor Davila.
The Control Board has been an important tool in helping the City of Springfield leap back from its financial crisis. Many decisions that the this board has made have not been popular, and now another decision; this time with regards to the contract for the School Superintend looms in the air. In all fairness, I have to say that Dr. Burke has made some good progress in the school system, some to slow, but nevertheless some positive changes have been made. However, I am deeply concern with Dr. Burke’s constant participation in the application process in other schools districts. The City of Springfield is not out of the woods quite yet. The school system still has a persistent problem with truancy, among many of the other issues that the school department still faces. We need strong leaders that are willing to stay in Springfield for the long haul, not to stay in Springfield until something better comes up. Dr. Burke’s constant participation in other school district application process signal, at least to me, that he is ready to leap out of the city. The city and the school department need decisive and constant leadership. The School Committee must be out of their mind in asking the Governor for authority over the Superintends’ contract. That prerogative falls squarely over this board as authorized by the legislature. Dr. Burke needs to convince us that he is willing to stay in Springfield for the long haul. Should this board, within its wisdom, decide to offer another contract to Dr. Burke, I strongly urge the board to include language that will keep the Superintend in Springfield, and not to repeat the same cake contract that was offered to the Police Commissioner.

Thank You.


At the FCB Meeting, I came across the Masters of the Blogg. !!!!

Left - Right: Mike Dobbs (The Reminder), Heather Brandon (Urban Compass)

Bill Dusty ( Springfield Intruder ) The legendary Tom Devine ( Baystate Objectivist )

Front: Matt ( Western Mass Politicd and Insight )

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