Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays ?
I do not understand why people are so afraid to say Merry Christmas.
Every body wants to be "politically Correct" people are afraid to offend others and " I do not want to force my beliefs on others" are among the reasons that I hear to justify the "politically correct" term of Happy Holidays. Excuse me for a second while I go and bang my head against the wall to see if I get enlightened. !!!
I fully agree that some one's belief can not be force on to other, particularly when it involves religion beliefs. To deprive yourself of wishing a merry Christmas limits your first amendment right to free expression, besides who in their right mind will get offended when you wish them something good. I have a Muslim friend, and one day he blessed me with a Muslim blessing, " Victor may the face of God always shine upon you" he said. Afterwards, I did not become a Muslim, I remain and will always remain a devout Catholic. I was not offended by his blessing, instead, I was very grateful for his best wishes. Unfortunately, we are living in a society and particularly in a state where every body wants to be politically correct and any one that makes any mention of Christianity is automatically labeled a Fascist or a religious Nut. Let us not forget that the underlying reason of America's independence is that of religious freedom. The founding fathers were deeply religious. This country is predominately Christian. So why not freely express our beliefs? To limit your self of wishing some one a merry Christmas is to limit your right to free express.
Merry Christmas to All !!!
My family and I had a wonderful Christmas. Santa was kind to all of us, even to me !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree...Merry Christmas- Nice blog Victor:0)