Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Education Task force meets at Forest Park Library

Intrepid Educator Mrs. Regina ( in Green ) leading the Education Task Force Meeting

Today I attended the meeting of the Educational Task Force put together by Mayor-elect Dominic Sarno. The meeting was held in the library's community room. There were about 12 people all together to express their ideas and input on the city's school department. The meeting was led by the intrepid retired educator Mrs. Regina. There was some discussion about the lack of serious progress in the schools, how the school system can better meet the needs of the Somalia population and I discussed ways that the school system can better attract young professionals into the teaching positions. I am just finishing my double bachelor's degree in Political Science and Economics. Often times I hear from potential teachers when asked of they would like to teach in Springfield a quick response, " Are you Nuts with all the problems and the difficult population". This saddens me, as I know that the children of the City of Springfield are children like every other. they need love, discipline and structure. I Suggested that in order to combat the negative image that potential educators have of the Springfield School System to offer incentives to attract and retain young educators. Young educators should be offered a sign on bonus and offered some sort of housing incentive if they stay in the system for a number of years. This will help retain the teachers and help create a sense of community. The housing incentive could be modeled as the incentive offered a while back for police officers that bought houses in high crime areas.

Childrens Visiting the Forest Park Lbrary After School

1 comment:

sojourner said...

I know two first year teachers in the Springfield School system Both are mature individuals who force themselves to go into school each morning to fulfill their contractual obligations. At least one plans to leave teaching when she is finished with this one year. Why? Compensation has nothing to do with it. The total lack of discipline and administrative backing for the teaching staff has a great to do with it. Teachers are given neither materials nor moral support from the higher ups. Students run the show. The system will improve when responsible adults are back in control.