Thursday, June 12, 2008

I am Baffled

I am baffle with State Rep. Cheryl Coakely-Rivera recent statements regarding Gov. Patrick's bill to extend the $52 Million state loan. The Governor is proposing extending the state loan payback period from 5 years to 12 years. The bill also proposes the creation of a chief Administrator, a Financial Officer, a Director of Internal Audit and placing a binding referendum question on the ballot for the people of Springfield to decide if the want to extend the Mayor's term from 2 years to 4 years. Rivera-Coakely opposes placing the binding referendum question on the ballot, accusing the Mayor of muscling in on the bill.

Coakely Rivera has shown a tendency of not allowing the people to have a say in their government. As it was the case when she voted against placing a referendum question on the ballot regarding the definition of marriage.

Springfield desperately need a clear and transparent government. To achieve this, government must also listen to the people. Why doesn't Cheryl Coakely -Rivera like the people to have a say in their government?

1 comment:

Bill Dusty said...

I think she may be eyeing a run for Mayor of Springfield herself. Extending the mayoral term to 4 years cuts her opportunities in half ;-)