Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama after the Latino Vote

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama

Barack Obama after securing the Democratic Nomination is now after the Latino vote. Sen.Obama received 35% of the Latino vote during the primaries. Sen. Clinton received 63% of the Latino vote. Clearly, Sen. Obama has a long road ahead of him to convince Latinos that he is the best candidate for the Presidency of the United States.

Sen. Obama has a Spanish website, Sen. Obama is touting the endorsement of Globe and Academy Award Puerto Rican actor Benecio del Toro. To win the Latino vote Sen. Obama has to to better than putting up a Spanish website and tout the endorsement of an actor.

During a CNN interview, Arturo Vargas, of the National Association of Elected and Appointed Latinos stated, " There was not a real opportunity for Sen. Obama to introduce himself to the Latino community" What? Sen. Obama has been campaigning for over a year and in all that time he did not get real opportunity to introduce himself to the Latino Community?

Among Sen. Obama's political platform, the issue of immigration promises to be carefully monitor by the Latino community. Sen. Obama supports President's Bush plan, "Comprehensive immigration Bill" to secure the southern border with Mexico and for the opportunity for some illegal immigrants to update their immigration status.
Sen. Obama stated on a May rally, " I like to express my commitment to immigration reform and to do everything I can to bring order and compassion to a broken immigration system"

However, Sen. Obama has the real problem that his Republican opponent Sen. McCain is well liked among the Latino community. Sen. McCain was among the chief architect and early supporter of President Bush's Comprehensive Immigration Bill.

If Sen. Obama really wants to be President, he should really find the time and the "real opportunity" to introduce himself to the Latino community.

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