Saturday, April 19, 2008

3 School chiefs ??

In a recent Masslive article, State Senator Stephen Buniconti, D-Springfield proposed the hiring of three School Superintendents instead of one. The Springfield Control Board, dissatisfied with the progress of the current Superintendent authorized a national search to replace him. Apparently, Sen. Buniconti wants the Financial Control Board to hire three superintendents to have a specific geographical area and rotate chairmanship.

I do appreciate when people bring ideas to the table. But to be quite honest with you, I am very surprise that Sen. Buniconti even thought of this. First of all, School Committee member, Kenneth Shea, is absolutely correct with his statement that " you need consistency of policy and consistency of direction" Having three superintendents will do exactly the opposite, each one will be pulling for his own ideas and sense of direction.

I believe that we need a school Superintendent that is committed to the city for the long run. We need an individual that understands the challenges and strenghts of an urban school district.

I do not believe the size of the district is so big that it is unmanageable.

Sen. Buniconti's district is quite large and has quite several thousand people in it. Following Sen. Buniconti's logic, we could argue that we need two senators for his district. I am sure that Senator Buniconti will aggressively and promptly disagree.

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